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Ambra Rombi QS Bedroom

Collection: Camelgroup Italy by ESF

Stock status: Stock Product
Item Description

Thank you for review.

Set Piece   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Width " Depth " Height " Weight lbs


(MSRP) $1,948
0 160 200 45 180

Amber Mini Nightstand

(MSRP) $470
20 24 16.5 23 23

Ambra Double Dresser Camel

(MSRP) $1,388
4 68 19 32 187

Ambra Mirror

(MSRP) $348
0 47 1 35 35

Ambra Chest

(MSRP) $1,026
8 29.5 16.5 47 119

Ambra 2 doors wardrobe

154AR2.03AV (handle tubo)
(MSRP) $1,560
4 37 24 90 247

4 door wardrobe

(MSRP) $3,076
0 73 24 90 502

Wooden Frame QS Camel Bent/leg

(MSRP) $400
6 30*2 80 3 25

Ambra Storage QS Kit Camel

(MSRP) $690
-3 64 84 2 40
Inventory is updated on 02/10/2025
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call office for more updated information
Total price: (MSRP) $5,024

Description Qty Ordered Arrival Date to NY port
@YMMU6882726Ambra Double Dresser 173x48x82 Betulla Sabbia/al148cmd.01av/ Camel 12.00 3/4/25
@YMMU6882726Wooden Frame QS Camel Bent /AL000RET.152O/ with legs AL000ret.109p (153x203x3) 20.00 3/4/25
@YMMU6882726Storage QS Kit Camel /co148let.07av01+co000ret.07o01+co000ret.00n03/ ( PLATINUM, ONDA, AMBRA, ALBA) Ivory floor panels Camel 10.00 3/4/25