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Camel Modum Collection, Italy

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Volare Dining Room Venetian Grey by Camelgroup – Italy

Collection: Camelgroup Italy by ESF

Stock status: Stock Product
Item Description

Volare venetian Grey: latest trend finish featuring chromatic combinations where the ash grey tones of elm gradually dim into alternating chiaroscuro shades which evoke the beauty of the Venetian Lagoon at the rising dawn.

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Set Piece   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Width " Depth " Height " Weight lbs

Dining table 200 GREY

w/ 18'' Ext // 159TAV.08PG
(MSRP) $1,678
2 79/97 40 29.5 238.6

2 Door China GREY

(MSRP) $2,098
4 43 19 76 276

4 Door Buffet GREY

With 2 glass doors // 159BF4.01PG
(MSRP) $1,948
2 79 21 34 257

Mirror for buffet

(MSRP) $314
3 52 1 33 55

Chair “Capitonnè”

fabric Time 800 // 131SED.01PGMS04

**Price per chair**

(MSRP) $578
38 19.29 24.8 42.5 22

Lamp Table

(MSRP) $448
7 47 26 16 89

Coffee Table

(MSRP) $614
3 26 26 22 54
Inventory is updated on 02/10/2025
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call office for more updated information
Total price: (MSRP) $6,088